Kategorie: Vokabeln lernen

Der Blog zum Vokabeln lernen.

Hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks rund um das Thema Vokabeln lernen.

Idioms – Getting someone on board

Idioms – Getting someone on board

Idioms Blog. Heute “GET HIM ON BOARD” „Wir erklären ihm unseren Plan und müssen ihn ins Boot holen“ „Let’s explain our plan to him and get him on board“.   It’s always amusing to see that some idioms reflect and literally use the same expression. If you think...Weiterlesen
Careful with the word thong!

Careful with the word thong!

Be careful with the word thong! “Hey mate, grab your thongs and let’s go to the beach!” If you hear this sentence in Australia, you shouldn’t be surprised because Down Under, “thongs” is the word they use to describe what we say “flip-flops” in America and in Germany....Weiterlesen

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