von Torsten Förster | 1. Juni 2020 | Vokabeln lernen
Warum Eselsbrücken so wichtig sind! #Eselsbrücken sind eine hilfreiche #Lernmethode um neue #Vokabeln zu lernen und sie dann wieder abrufen zu können. Der Sinn, der dahinter steckt, ist das Neue mit bereits bestehenden Wissen zu vernetzen (Eselsbrücken). Wenn man das...
von Torsten Förster | 31. Mai 2020 | Grammatik
SWIMS upside down – Ambigrams | DAD read backwards – Palindromes Turn the word upside down and it still spells the same word. These type of words are called ambigrams. Can you think of any other words besides swims? Palindromes are words read that stay the same even...
von Torsten Förster | 31. Mai 2020 | Idioms
Idioms Blog. Heute “GET HIM ON BOARD” „Wir erklären ihm unseren Plan und müssen ihn ins Boot holen“ „Let’s explain our plan to him and get him on board“. It’s always amusing to see that some idioms reflect and literally use the same expression. If you think...
von Torsten Förster | 31. Mai 2020 | False Friends, Vokabeln lernen
Germans often mix up the word “handy” and “cell phone or mobile phone”. For some reason, in Germany the portable phone is called a “handy”, whereas handy in English means something is useful and practical. It has nothing to do with a mobile phone. In the US, we often...
von Torsten Förster | 28. Mai 2020 | Rätsel Englisch
What’s a pun? A pun is an amusing use of a word or phrase that has more than one meaning or that sounds like another word. A very popular pun is the one in our clip. For puns to work, words have to be similar in spelling, sound or meaning, such as homophones, homonyms...
von Torsten Förster | 27. Mai 2020 | Vokabeln lernen
Be careful with the word thong! “Hey mate, grab your thongs and let’s go to the beach!” If you hear this sentence in Australia, you shouldn’t be surprised because Down Under, “thongs” is the word they use to describe what we say “flip-flops” in America and in Germany....